Heavy Rains

During this kind of wet weather I’m rich in water. The above photo is of the middle and lower part of the property as it runs over the edge of the barranca into the streambed below. The palm trunks are left to provide support for a trellis, and the fallen trunks will be used to hold up swales, as furniture, stairs, and whatever else inspiration brings.

Between showers the sun lit up the oaks that were planted just before the rains set in. This double line of oaks will provide great habitat and should attract many more birds onto the property. The natural clay soil was augmented with mushroom compost, urea from Fallbrook Waste and Recycling, and innoculated with soil microbes. Building up the life underground is key to health, disease-resistance, and water retention. Microbes become attached to roots and not only allow the roots to absorb more water, but release the minerals in the soil so that they are available for the roots to slurp up.